Gillian Petzer
(Pr Eng), BEng (Chem. Eng.) (University of Pretoria)
Gillian has been with Airshed since 2003. She holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Pretoria. Her experience in air quality started in 2000 with the “Indoor Air Quality” division of Building Research Establishment (BRE) in the UK. Over the last two decades she has been actively involved in the development of atmospheric dispersion modelling and its applications, air pollution compliance assessments, health risk assessments, mitigation measures, development of air quality management plans, as well as meteorological and air quality monitoring programmes. She registered as a professional engineer in 2017. Whilst most of her working experience has been in South Africa, a number of investigations were made in countries throughput Africa as well as recent countries such as Afghanistan and Armenia. Gillian loves spending time in nature and has a special interest in conchology.