Lucian Burger

Pr. Eng., PhD (University of Natal), MSc.Eng (Chemical), BSc.Eng (Chemical)
Dr Burger serves as a director of Airshed Planning Professionals (Pty) Ltd and has been with the company since its inception in 2003. Having founded the original business in 1990, as Environmental Management Services CC, he played an important role in setting the standard for air quality specialist studies required for Environmental Impact Assessments, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Specialised Incident Investigations.
Dr Burger is a Fellow of the South African Institute of Chemical Engineers and an Associate Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and is registered with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) as a Professional Engineer. Dr Burger holds an MSc and PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Natal. Following the completion of his bachelor’s degree (cum laude) in chemical engineering in 1982, his experience in air pollution started in 1983 with the development and implementation of a real-time atmospheric dispersion model for processing industries (as partial fulfilment of his MSc Eng). This model was further developed for execution on different computer platforms as an off-the-shelf software package known as “HAWK”. During the period 1984 to 1986, a more complex atmospheric dispersion model was
developed, which contributed towards his PhD and later formed part of an international contract on the evaluation and validation of transport models as applied to the Chernobyl accident of April 1986 (International Atomic Energy Agency).
Over the past three decades Dr Burger has been actively involved in the development of atmospheric dispersion modelling and its applications, air pollution compliance assessments, health risk assessments, mitigation measures, development of air quality management plans, meteorological and air quality monitoring programmes, strategy and national policy
development, training and expert witnessing.
What is life without enjoying fine wine and food, and stimulating one’s olfactory and gustatory senses? This passion has led Lucian to travel to several world wine regions, especially seeking out those lesser-known terroirs. When the opportunity arises, he will not hesitate to join a live performance of his favourite band or artist, from classic to metallic. Lucian had a passion for collected train memorabilia for many years, but this has nowadays been limited to only unusual and prized items. As a family man he finds wonderful enjoyment to socialise at home with his wife and children.